Monday, March 4, 2013

UNICEF Vending Machine Installation

Brands are not the only ones who do, can and should utilize guerrilla marketing.  Cause-related organizations can, should, and engage consumers with guerrilla marketing as well.  This post analyzes the cause-related organization, UNICEF's use of guerrilla marketing, specifically street and experiential marketing.

On July 12, 2010, UNICEF installed a vending machine in Manhattan's Union Square which shocked and engaged consumers (Kaye, 2010).  Instead of the buttons being different soda or energy drink options, there was 8 different types of disease that dirty water can give.

Click below to watch a video of the installation:
1.  Understand the brand's Unique Selling Proposition: UNICEF's Tap Project "provides clean water and adequate sanitation to children around the world" (UNICEF).  Instead of capitalizing on its USP of clean water, it attracted consumers' attention by showing what consumer support prevents---diseases from dirty water.  
2.  Incorporate the USP in nature: UNICEF took guerrilla marketing to the streets by the installation of a vending machine.
3.  Incorporate audience engagement into the idea: Consumers were engaged because of the shocking nature of the vending machine.  
4.  Finish the idea by creating an effective call-to-action: After consumers are engaged, they can see the dirty water for themselves through a $1 donation to UNICEF Tap.

Other Ideas:

  • Install 8 empty fish tanks on the streets with a signs on each fish tank labeling the different types of diseases. UNICEF staff could be on hand selling plastic water bottles for a $1 donation.  Consumers will be so shocked by this dirty water they will want to show others information about the cause.  Lastly, the water bottles should include information on UNICEF Tap and where to donate.
  • Install a "wishing well" with dirty water instead of clear water within the streets. The money raised through the wishing wells would go to UNICEF Tap.
UNICEF shows that cause-related organizations can use guerrilla marketing to inspire consumers, represent their cause, and gain donations.

Remember: Say "I do" to engaging the audience with guerrilla marketing--Kayleigh Green

Kaye, L.  2010.  UNICEF's Dirty Water Vending Machines Raises Awareness in Manhattan. Retrieved from

UNICEF.  Clean Water Campaign.  Retrieved from


  1. What an innovative campaign. Thanks for sharing this, I will be going to Africa over spring break and one of the problems that people even in South Africa face is Typhoid. As a westerner we really are not exposed to these problems and this campaign has great educational value.
    Really great post

  2. Thanks Greg! I think it does a good example of showing how non-profits and cause related organizations can leverage the power of marketing. Africa will be a great experience, that's on my bucket list!

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