Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kit Kat Benches and Street Art

Kit Kat "Kritique"
In order to achieve creativity and audience engagement in guerrilla marketing, brands can focus on my 4 step Engaging Guerrillas process:
1.  Understand their brand's Unique Selling Proposition
2.  Incorporate the USP in nature
3.  Incorporate audience engagement into the idea
4.  Finish the idea by creating an effective call-to-action

Kit Kat Benches
Within the past 5 years, Kit Kat has been giving customers "a break" by placing creative candy-themed benches across large cities.
1.  Understand their brand's Unique Selling Proposition: Having a break-apart candy bar
2.  Incorporate the USP in nature: Giving customers "a break" literally by placing benches in high-traffic areas 
3.  Incorporate audience engagement into the idea: Sitting on a unique bench will catch customers' attention with potential for pictures to then be posted on social media.
4.  Finish the idea by creating an effective call-to-action
  • Kit Kat could bring these benches back to cities and tie in with their new street art campaign (see below).
  • Run a social media contest for consumers to send pictures of them on the benches for a chance to win a years worth of Kit Kats.  
  • Have street marketers randomly hand out free Kit Kats for people sitting on these benches.
By focusing on adding a call-to-action and audience engagement, customers will notice the bench and have opportunities to consume the candy bar.

Build-Your-Own Benches
Customers grab cardboard cutouts to "give themselves a break" by making the benches themselves.
Suggestion: Continue to place in high-traffic areas.

Street Art
Kit Kats most recent guerrilla marketing has been in the form of 3-D street art.  They have successfully engaged the audience through integrating their street art into their latest T.V. commercial.

Inspiration for other ideas: Turn the ladder notches on the right into Kit Kat bars for an even more creative interaction opportunity, with permission of artist Nikolaj Arndt.

Other Ideas
  • Place stickers of Kit Kat bars on 2 nearby trees, giving the illusion of "breaking" candy, highlighting their USP.
  • Place stickers on business doors--3 parts of the Kit Kat bar on the left side of the door and 1 part of the Kit Kat on the right side of the door.  When the right side of the door is opened, it will literally look as if the person is "breaking of a piece of the Kit Kat bar."
Also make sure to "Like" Kit Kat on Facebook ( to be inspired by their digital campaign as well.  The campaign is similar to one Oreo runs, which will be covered next week!

Remember: Say "I do" to engaging the audience with guerrilla marketing--Kayleigh Green

Kit Kat Bench 2 Agency: JWT London, UK
Bridge street art: Nikolaj Arndt


  1. This was a great post about the power of a simple candy bar. I wish we lived somewhere that had more of this creative marketing so we could see it on a daily basis. It's so fun and eye catching! Great job.

  2. Thanks for reading Emily! I agree, it's difficult to find guerrilla marketing examples here in the Midwest. Because you mentioned it, I may explore guerrilla marketing in the Midwest for a future blog post! Thanks for the idea
